16 October 2017 – PNW Migration Update

MIA end of last week because the rain obscured any migrant returns, if any.

Last night we begin to see the waning of the season.  Fairly light across the Metro Region.  Most decent returns are along the western flanks of the Cascades.

Ducks are coming out of eclipse plumage.  Ruby-crowned Kinglet numbers are up as are the wintering sparrow numbers.  Pine Siskins are invading coastal counties. And a first report of a Rough-legged Hawk, also on the coast.

The Snow Geese are back on Sauvie Island.

17 March 2017 – PNW Migration Update

First clear night in a LONG time and winds out of the south = a pretty decent and widespread movement of north bound migrants.  Decent enough that i even put in the loop from Gray’s Harbor (LGX)

Looking at the wind map we can see why there was very little movement up the Atlantic Flyway and some decent flights up the Central Flyway.

A few shorebirds are popping up, swallows are becoming more widely reported including early vanguard Cliff and Northern Rough-wing, and the Snow Goose numbers are way down on Sauvie Island.

11 April 2016 – PNW Migration Update

Since i take the weekends off from this project i’m not sure what the birds were up to Friday and Saturday night.

But i do know what they were doing in the field.  Duck numbers are down, Snow Geese are gone but there are plenty of Cacklers still around.  A few more shorebirds are around.  The snipe are winnowing, Sooty Grouse are booming and a few cranes are practicing their mating dance.  Common Yellowthoats are firmly entrenched. Chipping Sparrows are dotting the landscape.  And northbound Blue-winged Teal are popping up in their usual low density numbers but to the delight of those who happen upon this strikingly beautiful bird.

On the listserves; MacGillivray’s Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak, and Western Tanager have made it to the Willamette Valley.

Outliers of Hammond’s Flycatcher, Swainson’s Thrush and Western Wood Pewee have been reported as well.  Treat those as you will.

Last night we had light to moderate migration across the region so i am going to conserve cloud space and only put in the RTX loop today.  LGX and ATX both had approximately the same density.

05 October 2015 – PNW Migration Update

I went out this weekend to do some ground proofing.

Snow Geese are now on Sauvie Island,

no signs of Swans along the Columbia,

Ruby Crowned Kinglets are back in numbers and can still be heard singing as they arrive,

shorebird numbers are down,

duck numbers are up; with Rudy Ducks, Common and Hooded Mergansers being the new comers (Buffleheads close out the season in my reckoning),

wintering sparrow numbers are up; with Fox, Lincoln’s, and White-throated all being detected,

DC Cormorant numbers are increasing

and pink footed gulls are beginning to arrive as well.

Migration in the Metro Area last night was light to moderate, but to the north, in the Puget Sound area, there was a heavy flow of birds across the Straights.  So, here it is, your moment of zen: