
This is the second edition of birds over portland.  To access the first years of the blog head over here. original birds over portland.


birds over portland is dedicated to displaying images from the local doppler radar station (RTX) to document bird migration. The purpose of this work is to provide a historical record of the information for unknown ends.  The occasional post about migration across the United States will also be found.

Pioneers on the web for this type of work:



They’ve been at it for a while and the links take you to the FAQ’s about using radar to track migration.

Why?  good question.  Besides just being so darn cool i attempt an answer here.

This site is maintained by me, Greg Haworth, an amateur naturalist living in SE Portland.

I’ll be making SWAG, er, prognostications, about migration events based on the weather and radar images.  So check back in if you get out into the field and let me know what you’re seeing and where you’re seeing it.  Thanks!

For more on weather and migration there are two great on-line articles:

One from eBird here and one from Cape May Bird Observatory here.

More information under the “Radar Ornithology”  Sidebar.

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